Austin Gentri of The Gentri Brothers band, drummer
  • © 2023 Cphonic Records 0

The Gentri Brothers

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Austin Gentri bio

One day, when I was attending App State University in Boone, NC, my professor began the class by asking us to answer a question: what is your dream job? It’s a question many of us have been asked throughout our lives, but for some reason I didn’t know how to answer. This was unsettling because here I was, sitting in a classroom, studying to obtain a job that I would hopefully learn to love. As my professor went around the room requesting answers, my unease grew. Just before she got to me and I was able to blurt out some pleasant sounding half-truth, a question appeared to me. What do I already love to do, more than anything? I instantly found my answer. My dream job is to make music with my brothers.

I knew this was true. Making music taught me to be open and vulnerable, and to express myself fully. It led me to many of my most fulfilling friendships. It opened a space for my brothers and I to communicate and learn about each other. It showed me my own potential, and how with effort and passion I could transmute this potential into something tangible and meaningful to me. I’ve always loved music (thanks to my amazing parents), but until that day I had never embraced the idea that I could center my life around it. Once I acknowledged the truth of that desire, there was no sealing it away again. Now I’m doing what I love most with my closest friends, and I wouldn’t trade this opportunity for anything.

Austin Gentri photos

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 1

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 2

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 3

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 4

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 5

  • Gentri Brothers Austin photo 6